Products > Gun Safes
Secure Firearm Storage with High Quality Gun Safes
Keep firearms safe and secure with a high quality gun safe from Brawn Security Products. Crafted with drill-resistant armour made from 3mm steel, these durable safes are also resistant to fire for up to 60 minutes. Our impressive range of gun safes come in varying sizes and can hold from 16 to 35 rifles, providing an excellent storage solution for firearms. Call us today!
EV Series
*Available in Black, White & Red
Seamless 3mm steel door and body
Drill-Resistant armour
Quality SecuRam electronic lock
U.L. Certified Residential Security Container
Durable textured powder coat finish
Fire activated expandable door seal
1200 Degree/60 minutes fire rating

EV-5922 E
Outside: H 59″, W 22″, D 16″
Inside: H 56.5″, W 19.5″, D 12.5″
Weight: 385 Lbs
Holds: 16 Rifles

EV-5930 E
Outside: H 59″, W 30″, D 24″
Inside: H 56″, W 27.25″, D 20.25″
Weight: 575 Lbs.
Holds: 24 Rifles

EV-5939 E
Outside: H 59″, W 39″, D 24″
Inside: H 56.5″, W 36.5″, D 20.25″
Weight: 740 Lbs.
Holds: 33 Rifles
FB Series
Door: Fully fire insulated, 4-1/3″ overall thickness including facial 1/4″ steel plate, 1/8″ middle steel plate, and 1/8″ inner steel plate
Body: 1/8″ inner and outer steel plates, plus 16Ga. Reinforcement steel bracket added with 1-1/4″ thick fire proof insulated construction
Interior: Flexible design, upholstered inside walls, shelving and door cover panel
1-1/4″dial chrome plated steel locking bolts & dead bolts
Glass relocking device and spring loaded relocking device
1/4″ Thick drill resistant hard plate
6mm thick V shaped harden brackets to resist side attack
Four recessed bolt down holes with plastic caps
Expandable intumescent fire seal on 4 sides of door
Heavy duty ball bearing steel block hinges
Class 350 degree Fahrenheit, 105 minutes FIL label

Outside: H 59.3″, W 22″, D 20″
Inside: H 55″, W 19.2″, D 12.5″
Weight: 689 Lbs
Shelves: 2
Holds: 15 Rifles

Outside: H 59.25″, W 31.25″, D 22.5″
Inside: H 54″, W 26.75″, D 16.5″
Weight: 964 Lbs.
Shelves: 4 (adjustable)
Holds: 24 Rifles

Outside: H 59.3″, W 36″, D 26″
Inside: H 54.5″, W 33″, D 20″
Weight: 1095 Lbs.
Shelves: 4 (adjustable)
Holds: 32 Rifles

Outside: H 66″, W 36″, D 26″
Inside: H 61″, W 33″, D 20″
Weight: 1373 Lbs.
Shelves: 5 (adjustable)
Holds: 35 Rifles